Laugh Through the Chill: 100 Best November Jokes for Adults and Kids!”

TL;DR: November can be gloomy, but these November jokes one-liners for adults and kids will keep you laughing all month long.

November can feel a bit gloomy, can’t it? The days get shorter, the air gets colder, and you find yourself stuck indoors more often. It’s easy for everyone, especially the kids, to feel a little grumpy.

But here’s the thing: laughter is the best way to warm up the chilly days! What better way to do that than with a few good November jokes?

I’ve gathered some short November jokes and even some November jokes for adults to help you lighten the mood.

There are also funny November jokes for kids—ones that will have the whole family cracking up! Don’t let November get you down; these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face.

November can be gloomy, but these November jokes one-liners for adults and kids will keep you laughing all month long.

“November Jokes One-Liners That’ll Keep You Laughing All Month Long!”

🍂 Why did November break up with October? It wanted a little more spice in its life!

🦃 What do you call a turkey on the run in November? Fast food!

🧤 Why don’t leaves ever get lost in November? Because they always fall in the right place!

🍁 What did one leaf say to another in November? I’m falling for you!

🥧 Why was the pie feeling down in November? It just couldn’t find its filling!

🎩 Why do scarecrows love November? Because they’re outstanding in their field!

🦃 How do you greet a turkey in November? With a peck on the cheek!

🍁 Why did the tree bring a sweater to the party? It was feeling a little nippy in November!

🦃 What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert in November? Peach gobbler!

🍂 Why was the pumpkin so forgetful in November? It was just a little hollow inside!

🧣 Why did November always win arguments? Because it had all the fall-back plans!

🌽 What’s the corn’s favorite month? Cob-vember!

🦃 Why do turkeys love playing cards in November? Because they always gobble up the competition!

🍁 What’s the most important holiday in November? Thanks-laughing Day!

🍗 What did the turkey say to the computer in November? Google gobble!

🍂 Why was November so good at math? Because it knew how to count its blessings!

🍁 Why was the leaf always telling jokes in November? It wanted to make everyone fall over laughing!

🦃 Why don’t turkeys make good comedians? Because they always crack under pressure!

🍽️ What’s a turkey’s least favorite month? No-vember!

🥧 Why was the pie always invited to parties in November? Because it was a real treat!

“Quick & Clever: Short November Jokes to Brighten Your Day!”

Why did the turkey bring a suitcase? 🦃🧳

Because it wanted to “gobble” up some travel miles!

What’s a leaf’s favorite type of music in November? 🍁🎶

Folk, because it falls in line with the season!

Why do trees hate math in November? 🌳➗

Because they keep losing their leaves and can’t count on them!

What did one pie say to the other in November? 🥧👋

“You crust me, right?”

Why don’t turkeys play football? 🦃🏈

Because they’re scared of the “fowl” play!

How does November stay humble? 🍂🙏

By always “falling” back to reality!

Why did the pumpkin sit in the window? 🎃🪟

It wanted to be a “pane” in the glass!

What’s a scarecrow’s favorite part of November? 🤠🍁

The corn-ival season!

Why did the calendar bring an umbrella to November? 📅☔

Because it knew there would be plenty of “fall”-outs!

How do leaves travel during November? 🍂🚗

They take the “autumn-mobile”!

Why do pumpkins never argue in November? 🎃🤐

Because they always squash their beef!

What do November turkeys say when they’re confused? 🦃🤔

“What the cluck is going on?”

Why are November mornings always so sharp? ☀️🌬️

Because they come with a little frostbite!

What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert? 🦃🍦

Peck-an pie!

Why did the squirrel invite the acorn to dinner in November? 🐿️🥜

Because it was nuts about fall feasts!

What do you call a November weather forecast? 🌦️📝

A “leaf” of absence!

Why do pies always go to therapy in November? 🥧💬

Because they have crust issues!

What’s the best way to greet November? 👋🍁

With an autumn smile and a pumpkin spice latte!

Why did the turkey sit under the tree in November? 🦃🌳

To catch all the “fall” news!

What do you call a cool turkey? 🦃😎

“Chill”ed poultry!

“Funny November Jokes to Give You a Fall Full of Giggles!”

🍁 Why did November break up with October?

Because it found someone cooler! ❄️

🦃 Why don’t turkeys play cards in November?

Because they might get roasted! 🔥

🍂 What do trees say when they start losing leaves in November?

“I’m falling for you!” 😍

🎩 Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down?

Because they wear their belt-buckles on their hats! 😂

🦃 Why did the turkey join a band?

Because it had the drumsticks! 🥁

🦸‍♂️ What’s November’s superhero?

Captain Cold Snap! ❄️

🌧️ What did the raindrop say to November?

“You really know how to make a splash!” 🌊

🦃 Why don’t turkeys ever tell secrets?

Because they gobble everything up! 🤐

🍁 Why did the leaf go to school in November?

To turn over a new leaf! 📚

🎤 Why do we never tell November jokes at Thanksgiving dinner?

Because the stuffing is already enough! 😆

🌬️ Why was November so bad at holding conversations?

It kept blowing people off! 🍃

🦃 Why did the turkey sit in the sun in November?

To get roasted! 😂

🍂 Why was the scarecrow a great comedian in November?

Because it was outstanding in its field! 🤡

🧣 What’s November’s favorite accessory?

A scarf, because it’s so wrapped up in itself! 🧤

🍁 Why are leaves always tired in November?

Because they’ve been falling all month long! 💤

🦃 What do you call a turkey on Black Friday?

A “gobble” deal! 🛍️

📅 Why did November bring a calendar to the party?

It wanted to keep track of the “dates”! 😄

🧁 What’s the best dessert to bring to a Thanksgiving party?

A “pun-kin” pie! 🥧

🎒 Why are November students the smartest?

Because they’ve already “fall-en” into their studies! 📖

🦃 What do turkeys always say at the end of November?

“Feast your eyes on me!” 👀

“Hilarious November Jokes for Adults to Enjoy After the Turkey!”

🍂 Why did the turkey join the band?

Because it had the drumsticks! 🥁

🍁 What did the cranberry say to the turkey?

“Let’s get saucy!” 😏

🦃 Why don’t turkeys tell secrets in November?

Because they know someone’s always gobbling them up! 🤫

🦉 Why was the owl upset on Thanksgiving?

Because he couldn’t find his “hoo-liday” spirit! 🦉🎉

🍂 November’s the only month where you can really fall for someone…

…and blame it on the leaves! 🍁😂

🦃 What’s the best dance to do in November?

The “Turkey Trot,” of course! 🕺🦃

🍷 Why did the wine break up with the Thanksgiving dinner?

It needed some “me-time” after too much pairing! 🍷💔

🍂 What’s the most awkward moment in November?

When you realize you’re wearing stretchy pants… but not for the gym. 🤦‍♀️😂

🦃 Why did the turkey avoid dating apps?

It was tired of getting roasted! 🔥

🍁 November is like a month-long Sunday.

You relax… until you realize winter is coming! ❄️😅

🦃 What do you call it when a turkey sneaks into your fridge?

Cold turkey! 🥶🦃

🥧 Why do pies always bring drama to Thanksgiving?

Because they always flake! 🥧😜

🍁 Why don’t leaves gossip in November?

Because they’d rather keep things hush-hush… or they might “fall out.” 🤭🍂

🍷 What did the bottle of wine say after Thanksgiving dinner?

“I’m drained!” 🍷💤

🦃 Why don’t turkeys argue during Thanksgiving?

They know it’s a no-win situation. 😬🦃

🍂 November: The only month where stuffing yourself is a compliment! 😋🍽️

🍁 What’s November’s favorite romantic gesture?

Sweater weather cuddles… and pumpkin spice everything! 🎃🧣

🥧 Why did the pie go to therapy in November?

It had too many layers to peel back! 🥧🛋️

🍂 Why is November the sneakiest month?

Because it always waits until the last minute to chill things down! 🧣❄️

🦃 What’s a turkey’s least favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving… it’s a total carve-up! 🔪😬

“November Jokes for Kids That Are Packed with Fall Fun!”

Why did the turkey join the band?

🎶🦃 Because it had the drumsticks!

What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?

🍎👨‍🌾 Straw-berries!

Why do leaves never get in trouble?

🍂😇 Because they always turn over a new leaf!

Why did the pumpkin sit by the turkey at dinner?

🎃🦃 Because it was already stuffed!

What do you call a running turkey?

🏃‍♂️🦃 Fast food!

Why did the apple pie go to school?

🥧🎒 To get a little filling!

What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?

🍪🦃 Peach gobbler!

Why do pumpkins love November?

🎃🍂 Because they always squash it!

How do trees get on the internet?

🌳💻 They log in!

Why did the turkey play football?

🏈🦃 Because it was great at tackling!

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

🏆👨‍🌾 Because he was outstanding in his field!

What sound does a turkey’s phone make?

📱🦃 “Wing wing!”

Why can’t you take a turkey to school?

🦃🚫📚 Because it always gobbles up the homework!

What’s a corn’s favorite type of music?

🌽🎶 Pop music!

Why did the squirrel invite the acorn to dinner?

🐿️🥜 Because it was nuts about it!

What’s a scarecrow’s favorite month?

👨‍🌾🍁 “No-vember!”

What’s a turkey’s favorite side dish?

🦃🍝 Mac and cheese, it’s grate!

What do you call a turkey with no feathers?

🦃❌ “Plucked and ready!”

Why did the pilgrim bring a ladder?

🧑‍🌾🪜 To reach the high expectations of Thanksgiving!

What’s a pie’s least favorite month?

🥧🫢 November, because it always gets eaten!

Roshan sharma
Roshan sharma

For the past four years, I've been crafting engaging and insightful SEO content for various lifestyle blogs, including this one. My approach blends a personal touch with a persuasive style, aiming to connect deeply with readers and inspire them to take action. I specialize in turning everyday topics into captivating discussions, helping lifestyle blogs grow their audience and impact.

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