In the heart of the Christian faith lies the beautiful practice of giving thanks—a core expression of gratitude that reaches back to the days of the first apostles. Thanksgiving isn’t just a holiday; it’s a way of living that Christians are called to embrace every day.
The Bible is like a treasure chest, filled with examples of thanksgiving in the bible that inspire us to be thankful in all circumstances. Whether it’s a sunny day or a stormy night, there’s always something to be grateful for. When we dig into the Scriptures, we find many calls to express our thankfulness to God for His endless blessings and enduring love.
bible verses about thanksgiving and gratitude aren’t just about reading words; it’s about letting those words change our hearts. As we meditate on them, we find our spirits lifted and our capacity for gratitude growing. This reflection helps us to see the good in everything and strengthens our faith.
Growing up, the smell of pumpkin pie and the sound of joyful chatter meant Thanksgiving was here. But beyond the festive feasts, my family embedded a tradition of sharing verses of gratitude from the Bible. This tradition has woven thankfulness deeply into the fabric of my life.
For me, diving into these Thanksgiving scriptures in Psalms is like basking in the warm glow of a fireplace—it warms and illuminates, making the ordinary extraordinary. As you gather with your loved ones, I wish for you to experience this warmth. I hope the practice of reflecting on thanksgiving verses will enrich your family gatherings just as it has mine, turning moments spent together into treasured memories.
💡 Author’s Note: Elizabeth Morrow
What Does the Bible Say About Thanksgiving?
Understanding Thanksgiving in the Bible
let’s dive into a heartwarming topic that’s all about gratitude – Thanksgiving in the Bible. This isn’t about turkey and stuffing, but it’s just as fulfilling. The Bible is rich with verses that teach us the beauty and importance of giving thanks.
What’s the Big Deal with Thanksgiving?
It’s like a key that opens doors to joy and connection with God.
When we say “thank you” to God, we’re showing Him we see the good He’s doing in our lives.
Key Bible Spots to Check Out:
1 Chronicles 16:34 – This one is like a warm hug, reminding us of God’s everlasting love and why He deserves our thanks.
Psalm 100:4 – Picture entering a huge, beautiful gate, and the ticket in is your thank you’s to God.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Here’s a challenge: be thankful in all parts of life, because it’s God’s wish for us.
Why Do We Give Thanks?
It’s a Celebration: Thanksgiving is like throwing a party in your heart, celebrating all the good stuff God has done.
It’s a Reminder: Saying thanks makes us remember the big and small blessings, like a photo album of God’s goodness.
It’s a Connection: It’s a way to stay close to God, kind of like sending a text message to keep in touch with a friend.
How Can You Bring Thanksgiving into Your Life?
Start Your Day with a Thank You: When you wake up, tell God something you’re thankful for.
Share the Joy: Tell others why you’re grateful. It’s contagious!
Write It Down: Keep a thankfulness journal. It’s a great reminder for days when you need a little boost.
Thanksgiving in the Bible isn’t just for a season; it’s a way of life. Let’s sprinkle our days with gratitude and watch how it changes our hearts and lives. Keep giving thanks, friends!
List of Bible Verses About Thanksgiving and Gratitude
Let’s get to the heart of what it means to truly be thankful, as the Bible shows us. It’s not just about saying “thank you” for the good stuff—it’s deeper than that. It’s about seeing the good in our lives, even when things get tough.
Consider this well-loved passage from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Let’s flip that into everyday words.
Picture this: You’re a housewife in the hustle and bustle of life. The washing machine breaks mid-cycle, the kids are arguing, and the dinner you planned isn’t coming together because you just realized you’re out of a key ingredient. It’s enough to make anyone feel frazzled. But then, you take a moment. You find joy in the laughter bubbling from your children—even if it’s mid-squabble. You whisper a quick prayer for patience and find a spark of gratitude for the food in your pantry and the roof over your head.
That’s what the verses are nudging us to do. To be joyful, to keep a running chat with God going throughout the day, and to find reasons to be thankful no matter what’s thrown our way.
Now, let’s bring this into our everyday with a “Thankfulness Challenge.” How about this: for the next week, jot down three things you’re thankful for every day. It could be the sound of your kids playing together, a surprise call from an old friend, or just the peace that comes when the house is finally quiet at night.
And grab a notebook to start a gratitude journal. This isn’t a to-do list or a planner—it’s a space to celebrate all the positives. When life gets chaotic, you can leaf through your notes and remember the sunny spots. This simple act can turn the dial down on stress and up on thankfulness.
Praise and Gratitude in the Psalms:
The Psalms are like a beautiful garden blooming with thanksgiving and praise. They’re songs and poems that have been shared for thousands of years, all about giving a big shout-out to God for all the amazing things He does.
Let’s look at some key verses that are all about thanks and praise:
Psalm 103:1-4 is like a love letter to God, saying, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! He forgives, heals, and rescues us. He wraps us in goodness—beauty eternal.”
Psalm 95:1-5 invites us to sing and shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. It’s like saying, “Come on, let’s sing for joy! Let’s give a big round of applause to God, because He’s the king of everything.”
Psalm 118:24 declares, “This is the day the Lord has made; let’s be happy and enjoy it!” It’s about grabbing the day God’s given us and finding happiness in it, no matter what’s on the to-do list.
Now, what if you made your own psalm of thanksgiving? Don’t worry; it doesn’t need to rhyme or sound like Shakespeare. Just grab a pen and let the good stuff in your heart roll out onto paper.
Here’s a little push to get you started:
Think about what makes you smile or feel all warm inside.
Jot down how you see God in those things. Maybe it’s in the kindness of a friend or the quiet moments before the rest of the house wakes up.
Say thanks for those moments and ask God to keep them coming.
Writing your own psalm is like planting your own little garden of gratitude. And who knows? Maybe your words will be what someone else reads thousands of years from now when they need a little thanksgiving in their day.
Living with Gratitude:
Living with gratitude isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a lifestyle that the New Testament encourages us to adopt. It’s about letting thankfulness bubble up in our lives every single day.
Let’s look at some key verses that give us clear directions:
Colossians 2:6-7 tells us, “Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” This is like saying, “Hey, remember how excited you were to know Jesus? Stay that way, strong and happy, and let that thankfulness spill over!”
Philippians 4:4-7 is a real gem: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” This means we should be walking around with joy like a badge of honor, and when we’re worried, turn those problems into prayers, with a thank you attached.
Colossians 3:15-17 talks about letting peace rule in our hearts and being thankful. It’s like saying, “Let’s make thankfulness the umpire in our life game, calling the shots and keeping the peace.”
So how do you do this gratitude thing every day? Elizabeth Morrow, your advisor in cultivating a thankful heart, has some tips:
Start Your Day with Thanks: Before your feet hit the floor, think of one thing you’re thankful for. Maybe it’s the sleep you just got or the breakfast you’re about to eat.
Mealtime Moments: When you’re eating, take a second to express thanks for the food, the hands that prepared it, and the company you share.
Thankful Reminders: Set a reminder on your phone or computer to pause and think of something you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as a sunny day or a good conversation.
Gratitude Jar: Get a jar and some slips of paper. Every time you feel grateful for something, jot it down and put it in the jar. Then, when you need a pick-me-up, pull out a slip and remind yourself of a happy moment.
Remember, a thankful heart isn’t built in a day. But with these simple steps, you can make gratitude a solid part of your everyday life, just like the New Testament suggests.
Thanksgiving Through Trials:
Facing tough times can make it feel like there’s not much to be thankful for. But the Bible tells us that gratitude isn’t just for the good days; it’s for the hard ones, too.
Let’s dive into some key verses that show us how to keep gratitude alive, even when it’s a struggle:
James 1:17 reminds us that every good gift comes from above. It’s saying, even when life is throwing curveballs, the good stuff—like a beautiful sunset or a friend’s text—comes from God.
2 Corinthians 4:15-16 encourages us to not lose heart. Though things are tough now, they’re creating a stockpile of blessings we’ll see later on. It’s like saying, “Hang in there! Today’s troubles are training for tomorrow’s triumphs.”
Romans 1:21 warns us that forgetting to be thankful can lead to a darkened heart. It’s important to keep the light of gratitude on, so we don’t stumble in the dark.
Elizabeth Morrow, your guide in finding silver linings, suggests sharing stories as a way to see how gratitude can shine, even when it’s dark around us. Here’s an interactive idea:
Gratitude Testimonies: Gather stories from friends, family, or community members who have managed to be thankful in tough times. Maybe it’s someone who found hope in small acts of kindness during an illness or a person who felt blessed by community support after a loss.
These real-life stories can light a spark of thankfulness in our own hearts. They remind us that there’s always a glimmer of good to be grateful for, even on the days when we have to look a little harder to see it. And these stories don’t have to be big or dramatic; sometimes, it’s the quite thank-you in the midst of noise that speak the loudest.
By collecting and reflecting on these testimonies, we’re not only encouraged ourselves but also, we’re gathering a treasure trove of hope to share with others who might be struggling to find their own reasons to say thank you.
Old Testament Examples of Thanksgiving:
When we flip through the pages of the Old Testament, we find a treasure trove of thanksgiving moments—stories and poems that show people thanking God, even way back then.
Here are a few key verses that give us a snapshot of gratitude from times long past:
1 Chronicles 16:34 invites us to give thanks to the Lord because His love lasts forever. It’s like a repeated chorus, reminding us that no matter what’s going on, God’s kindness doesn’t have an expiration date.
Psalms 107:1-3 has us thanking God for His goodness, telling us about people from all over the place who’ve been gathered up from their troubles.
Psalms 136:1-3 encourages us to thank the Lord because He’s good, and the One who does great wonders. Every verse ends with a reminder of His forever love—it’s like the heartbeat of the song.
Elizabeth Morrow, your advisor on finding gratitude in the everyday, sees these ancient words as a springboard for our own thanksgiving. How can these old examples inspire us today?
Reflection Time: Think about a time when you felt lost or in trouble, and something good unexpectedly came along. Wasn’t there a bit of relief, a reason to be thankful, even if everything wasn’t perfect?
Community Sharing: Just like the Psalms, our own stories of gratitude can become a way to encourage others. Why not share your stories of thankfulness with your friends or community group? Hearing about your ‘forever love’ moments might just help someone else recognize theirs.
These Old Testament examples aren’t just ancient history; they’re like a blueprint for our own gratitude practices. By looking at how people back then celebrated their wins and found light in the darkness, we can learn to do the same, building our own modern-day anthems of thanks.
Prayers of Thanksgiving:
Prayers aren’t just for asking for help; they’re also for saying “Thank you!” to God. The Bible gives us some beautiful examples of how to do just that.
Check out these key verses that are all about giving thanks through prayer:
1 Timothy 2:1 urges us to make prayers, petitions, intercession, and thanksgiving for all people. It’s like it’s saying, “Don’t forget to say thanks on behalf of everyone—not just yourself!”
Psalms 100:4 tells us to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Imagine walking into a friend’s house for a party, and as soon as you step in, you’re telling them how great they are and how thankful you are for the invite.
Psalms 50:14 encourages us to offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Back in the day, people would bring offerings to say thanks. Today, our words can be that gift.
Now, Elizabeth Morrow, your encourager in gratitude, has some tips for crafting your personal prayers of thanksgiving:
Start with the Basics: Begin your prayer with a simple “Thank you, God, for…” and fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind first.
Remember the Little Things: Thank God for the small blessings—the morning coffee, a smile from a stranger, or the comfort of your favorite sweater.
Acknowledge the Big Stuff: Of course, don’t forget to give thanks for the major blessings, like family, health, or answered prayers.
Include Others: Say thanks for the people around you, your community, and even leaders and decision-makers at all levels.
Get Specific: Think of something specific that happened recently, something that made you smile or feel at peace, and thank Him for that moment.
End with Hope: Finish your prayer with a hopeful request, asking God to continue guiding you to recognize and cherish His blessings.
Creating your own prayer of thanksgiving doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s just talking to God from your heart, focusing on the good stuff, and remembering that He’s the source of all those high-fives life gives you.
The Continual Call to Give Thanks:
In the life of someone who believes, saying “thank you” to God isn’t a one-time thing. It’s not just for holidays or special occasions. It’s an everyday kind of deal, like eating or sleeping. The Bible is pretty clear on this.
Here’s what the Good Book says:
Hebrews 13:15 tells us to continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, which is the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. Imagine your “thank yous” are like apples or oranges growing from a tree that never stops producing fruit.
Ephesians 5:19-20 nudges us to speak to one another with songs, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s like life is a musical, and gratitude is the chorus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 is super straightforward. It tells us to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. It’s as if every situation has a silver lining that we can be thankful for, even if it’s hard to see at first.
So, how can we remember to keep this thanksgiving tune playing in our lives? Elizabeth Morrow, your guide in grateful living, suggests setting daily reminders to pause and give thanks. Here’s how you can do it:
Morning Alarm Gratitude: When your alarm rings in the morning, take a moment before getting out of bed to think of one thing you’re grateful for. It’s a great way to start the day on a positive note.
Lunchtime Thankfulness: Midday, when you take a lunch break, reflect on something good that happened in the morning and say a quick thank you.
Evening Appreciation Alarm: At night, before you go to sleep, look back at your day and thank God for one moment or person that brought you joy or comfort.
These little pauses for thanksgiving can become checkpoints that help keep our spirits lifted and our hearts tuned to the positive frequencies of life. It’s about making thankfulness a habit, just like brushing your teeth or locking the front door. With these regular reminders, we keep our grateful heart in shape, always ready to spot and celebrate the good things, no matter how big or small.
In wrapping up our journey through the beauty of thankfulness and gratitude in the Bible, it’s clear that these aren’t just nice feelings to have; they’re a way of life that can transform how we see the world.
The Thanksgiving scriptures in Christianity, from the Psalms of David to the letters of Paul, are like signposts pointing us to a path of continual thankfulness. And this isn’t just for the sunny days, but also for the stormy ones, because sometimes it’s in the challenges that we find the most profound reasons to be thankful.
So, let’s bring it all together:
Morning ‘Thank Yous’: Start each day by thanking God for the new sunrise, for the breath in your lungs, and for the opportunities that await.
A Song of Gratitude: Let your life be a melody of thankfulness, humming with the recognition of every blessing, big or small.
Evening Reflections: End your day by counting your blessings, naming them one by one, and see just how much there is to be grateful for.
Elizabeth Morrow, your advisor and encourager in faith, invites you to let gratitude be the heartbeat of your daily life. Use the Bible quotes on being thankful as your guide, the interactive elements as your practice, and let thanksgiving be your soul’s signature tune.
Remember, a grateful heart sees every day as a gift and every challenge as an opportunity. By living a lifestyle of gratitude, you’ll not only change your own life but also shine a light that can brighten the lives of those around you.
As you step forward from here, take these nuggets of wisdom, these moments of prayer, and these habits of thankfulness, and weave them into the fabric of your everyday life. Let’s make the choice to see the good, to appreciate the blessings, and to give thanks—in all things, always.
“47 Thanksgiving Bible Verses for Gratitude in 2023.” (2023). Bible Study Tools. Retrieved from bible-study-tools-thanksgiving-verses. Accessed 9 Nov. 2023.
“What Does the Bible Say about Thanksgiving?” (n.d.). Retrieved from openbible-thanksgiving-topics. Accessed 9 Nov. 2023.
Elizabeth Morrow
Elizabeth Morrow is the heart and soul behind the reflective, prayerful narratives on With over two decades dedicated to spiritual writing and guidance, she holds a Masters of Divinity from Yale Divinity School. Elizabeth's calling was ignited by her formative years, particularly a youth mission to Guatemala that showcased the power of prayer as a universal connector. She now resides in Charleston, South Carolina, where she remains a cornerstone of her local faith community, leading prayer groups and contributing to a culture of shared spiritual wisdom.
[…] we delve into this article, let’s explore the importance of Thanksgiving prayers, not just as a tradition, but as a vital part of nurturing gratitude and bonding within our […]
[…] we delve into this article, let’s explore the importance of Thanksgiving prayers, not just as a tradition, but as a vital part of nurturing gratitude and bonding within our […]